Roving Doc is working hard! The clinic is on the far east end of Bermuda, on St Davids Island. It is a state of the art facility, clean and well maintained. There is no lab, but they do have Xray. The staff, RNs and Xray techs, are skilled, friendly and competent.
Since it is an Urgent Care facility, he sees both adults and children. The patients are appreciative and gracious, much like the people of Bermuda.
The down side, is the hours. The clinic opens at 4pm, and closes at midnight on weekdays, and is open weekends from noon until midnight. OUCH! Tough shift. Luckily, our systems are on Pacific Time.
He's four weeks in, on a six week commitment, so feeling good about that!
Thanks for checking in. Leave a comment if you like.
What a great lookin' place! You're all in the home stretch now!