Here is the amazing staff at the Welton clinic. These ladies were a big help to the Roving Doc. Since he doesn't se habla espanol, he would have really been up a creek without their help. The patient load vacillated between local Mexican families, and the snowbirds, in town for the beautiful weather.
It just so happened that a remodel was going on at the clinic while hubby Doc was filling in. The fellow that was doing the remodel was very nice, and the ladies liked having him around. One day a patient came in. The poor woman had her hand stuck in some kind of kitchen appliance. The hubby Doc asked for the heavy duty cutters, and everyone looked puzzled. Apparently, they didn't keep cutters on hand. Luckily the handyman was there, working on the remodel. Hubby Doc went and found him, went through his tool box, found what he needed and freed the womans hand. You never know what will walk into a clinic. It's good to know, that with a tool box, a little duck tape and some yankee ingenuity, you can be on your way!
We loved the area. Very beautiful, as you can see by the photos, and we stayed in a great place, right by a golf course. It doesn't get much better than that!
The last day hubby Doc worked, the ladies brought in amazing mexican food for lunch, including a tres leche cake. YUM!
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