Hi from Dallas! Grama Happy (that's me, farm wife) and Grama Betsy (my daughters mother-in-law) are in Dallas to babysit the grandsons. Neither one of us thought we could go it solo, so we decided to go man on man defense.....(or in this case, boy on grama defense) So far so good! Jack and Sarah are in Cancun taking a well deserved vacation. Here are some photos of the week so far.

Yum......Grama Happy and Walker made pie dough cookies.

Charlie gets some exercise with the punching ball.

Grama Betsy gives the boys a piano lesson. (you can see who's concentrating the most!)

Charlie ringing the dinner bell, (in his left hand, I might add!)

And a big thumbs up for Team Grama!

Walker meets Snow White at the Dallas Arboretum. They are doing their Christmas season, and had several storybook castles.

Walker also checks out Dasher who was on loan from Santa for the day.

Grama Happy and Walker really like the Mermaid throne.

Walker has a great time in the Pioneer park going through the old cabins.

Grama Betsy and Walker peeking out of Hansel and Gretels cottage.

Two Gramas and a boy in Cinderells carriage.

See ya next time!